Monday, February 20, 2012

Big ships to serve as Sail Morotai participants` accommodations

Anumber of big ships will be chartered to serve as floating hotels forparticipants of Sail Morotai 2012, the chairman of the event`s local committee,Muhadjir Albar, said here on Wednesday.

"We have a limited number of hotels and accommodations in Morotai andtherefore we will charter a number of big ships to serve as floating hotels forSail Morotai 2012 participants and guests," Muhajir said.

He said the local committee of Sail Balitung 2011 did likewise to accommodateguests and participants of the international marine event last year.

According to Muhajir, the Sail Morotai local committee would also encouragelocal people to allow their houses be used as home-stay accommodations for theevent`s participants and guests.

But he added the bedrooms and bathrooms of the houses that would be used ashome-stay accommodations must be renovated first with funds from the regionaland state budgets.

Meanwhile, chairman of the North Maluku branch of the Indonesian Hotels andRestaurants Association (PHRI) Christoper Harlin said the use of big ships andpeople`s houses to accommodate Sail Morotai guests and participants was anappropriate measure to overcome the shortage of lodging facilities in Morotai.

Christoper said he believed foreigners would prefer staying at local people`shouses rather than in hotels during Sail Morotai 2012 because they would liketo enjoy the natural atmosphere and interaction with the house owners

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