Monday, February 20, 2012

East Kalimantan

Gantar Dancing
This dance comes from Dayak Benuaq and Tonyooi tribes. This dance is known as a social dance among the youth and alsoa welcome dance. This dance describes gladness and joy in plant paddies/rice.Gantar is a cut of bamboo which is filled with paddies/rice seeds and a long stick named "asek" to make holes to plant paddies/rice.

It also describes a graceful of Dayaktribes to welcome the guests who come to East Kalimantan as tourists orinvestors or the other respected guests then they will be inviting to partaketo dance. The clothes which the dancers use named Ulap "Doyo", realclothes of Dayak Benuaq tribe that taken from doyo fibres. 

Kancet Tebengang Madang
which in Indonesian means Enggang Terbang Dance (Hornbill Flies Dance). This dance comes from Dayak Kenyah tribewhich describe about their transferred from Apau Kayan by disseminating to allof the areas in East Kalimantan to find the better life. 

The Hornbills always follow its leader's command, and so do the Dayak Kenyah people. Hornbill also represents a symbolof peace. This dance starts with “lemaloq” which is an idyll in Dayak Kenyahlanguage that represents a story about their journey. This dance is brought gracefully by the Dayak girls like the Hornbills that fly. 

Hudog Dancing 
This dance comes from Dayak Bahau andModang tribe that represents a dance to chase away the crop pests or bad/evilspirit. Usually, the dancers wear the scary mask to chase away the crop pestsand the bad spirit.

Kancet Hudog Aban 
This dance comes from Dayak Kenyahtribe. Same with the Dayak Bahau tribe, this dance is also meant to chase a way the crop pests and bad/evil spirit which annoying. The difference is just themasks that wore by the dancers, and the dancers from Hudoq Aban are women that wear a veil of beads (Aban).

Belian Bawo Dancing
Belian is one of the cultures of theDayak Dayak Benuaq Tonyooi and tribes to cure ill people. There are many Belianso there are many costumes, moves and music that this dance that follow suitwith the aims of Belian itself. “Pemelian” or shamans act as Mediators amongpeople and the evil / bad spirit in treats the ill people. 

Kancet Pepatai Dancing 
Kancet Pepatai is a dance from DayakKenyah tribe. It describes about the brave men (Ajai) from Dayak Kenyah tribein war. This dance tells about the beginning of war until the given titleceremony for the Ajai which have succeeded to won the war. 

Leleng Dancing
Leleng in Kenyah Ianguage means to turnaround (to and fro). There is Utan Along (a name of a motherless girl) whohesitates because of her lover went and didn't come yet. Turn around means ofher hesitating. Just like a hesitate people that usual to and fro, and then sodo with Utan Along. That's why it names Leleng Dance. This Dance starts withthe song of Leleng which tells about the Utan Along's story. 

Ngelawai Dancing 
Thisdance accompanies by “Rendete” music, a typical music of Dayak Tonyoi-Benuaqtribes. This dance brings by beautiful girls that wears a long shawl and dancegracefully. This dance usually brought as a welcome dance.

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